
How I Choose My Books Tag

I was tagged by Naty from Naty’s Bookshelf! Thank you so much! Everyone go check out her blog! She’s doing a great job!

Find a book on your bookshelves with a blue cover. What made you want to pick up this book?


The galaxy-like cover drew my eye straight to it! I mean come on, this is a gorgeous cover! Also it’s one of the books I’m most excited to read!

Think of a book you didn’t expect to enjoy, but did. Why did you read it in the first place?


Dracula started off as a required reading for school. Of course I didn’t want to read it! I didn’t like being told what to read, so I never wanted to read what was assigned. (But I always did!) Now, it is one of my all-time favorite books! I now have 4 copies of Dracula! (One of my copies isn’t pictured here.) If you can’t tell, I like to buy multiple versions of my favorite books.

Stand in front of your bookshelf with your eyes closed and pick a book at random. How did you discover this book?


I definitely found out about this book through Bookstagram! There was a lot of hype surrounding this book for awhile. Don’t let the hype fool you, it is well-deserved! Let’s talk about the cover though! Isn’t this cover GORGEOUS?! It’s my favorite cover of all the editions and probably my favorite book cover of all! I went out of my way to order this specific edition from the U.K. just so I could have this particular cover! (I’m from the US)

Pick a book that someone personally recommended to you. What did you think of it?


My boyfriend recommended all of Dan Brown’s books to me. He is his favorite author. Dan Brown quickly became one of my favorites too! Angels & Demons is my favorite of all of his books. If you’re reading this I recommend picking up a Dan Brown book! They truly are great reads!

Pick a book up that you discovered through booktube/bookstagram/book blogs. Did it live up to the hype?


Once again, I bought the U.K. edition rather than the US version. I’ve come to notice that I prefer the U.K. editions over the US. Anyway, to answer the question, I would say yes, Caraval did live up to the hype. I really enjoyed this story. It was fun and magical. I gave it a 4 out of 5 stars on Goodreads. While I don’t think it was the greatest book in the world, I had fun reading it and that’s all that matters!

Find a book on your shelves with a one-word title. What drew you to this book?


The color was the first thing that drew my eye to this book. The red really POPS! After reading the synopsis and seeing the unique layout of the book, I just had to have it! I’m so glad I did! This is such an entertaining and unique read!

What book did you discover through a film/TV adaptation?


I broke my own personal rule of never watching the movie before reading the book and I am so upset that I did this to myself. I didn’t get the full impact that I would have and should have, had I read the book first. I will forever be kicking myself. Though I do have to say that the movie adaptation was really well-done and kept true to the book for the most part.

Think of your all-time favorite book(s). When did you read these and why did you pick them up in the first place?

I’ve recently come across The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon and that has made my top favorites list, but because I just wrote a book review on it, I’m not going to list it. Here‘s my review if you’d like to read it.


For this answer, I am going to go with the Golden Compass or actually the whole His Dark Materials series. I picked this up when I was 13 (I won’t say how long ago that was, but I can assure you it’s been 10+ years). I can’t remember the reason why I picked up this series, but it turned into one of my favorites. This is the series that got me into reading fantasy. I’m hoping to re-read this series soon! P.S. this anniversary edition gives me life!

I tag…

Megs from Between the Pages

Paige from Books and Belle

Beth from All the Bright Places

Stephanie from Stephanie’s Novel Fiction

Linda from Linda’s Little Library

Meghan-Alice from Not Quite Alice

Sarah from Book Hooked Nook

Kris from Boston Book Reader

Jackie from Bookworm Cafe

Ash from For the Love of Books


31 thoughts on “How I Choose My Books Tag

      1. That sounds really cool! Do you live in the US? If you do, I was wondering how you buy editions from other countries? ik I tried once and it was a hassle!


      2. k I think last time I used the Book Depository. I’ll have to remember that next time I want to buy a foreign book!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. I actually feel like we’re twins 😂 Dracula is also one of my all time favourites, I absolutely fell in love with it and want multiple copies too! I love your copies!

    Also I also found The Book Thief from the movie adaptation and now it’s my favourite book of all time!

    This tag is so much fun, thank you for tagging me! I love your answers! ♥️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Good choices! Dracula is one of my very favorites! Love The Book Thief too and Dan Brown’s books 😊
    Thanks so much for the tag but I just did this one last week, lol! I’ll have to skip it this time since I doubt people want to read me posting it all over again 😊 I’ve absolutely been swamped with tags and awards since last week… I’ve still got 7 award tags to post, 1 book tag, and another tag, lol. I’m not sure what happened that they all appeared at once, lol! That’s why you keep getting my tags for the ones I know you haven’t done..or at least posted yet 😀 I’ve got to stop doing tags and do book reviews since I have 5 ARC books I’ve read that need reviewed asap…ugh! Fun stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It’s fine! I have an Award and tag page on my blog that tells you all the ones I’ve done if that done and been awarded if that helps . 😊 Thanks! I’m so far behind that I’m just going to write mini reviews on some of them, especially since I have 7 other books that I bought that I should probably review too! And 6 ARC books still to read… I may post nothing next week and just read, lol.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yeah you do! A lot of bloggers do mini reviews for backlogged books or books that weren’t that good. If a book is a 3 star or below, I always write a mini review for it. I’m not wasting my time on it.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Great answers, those books are totally awesome and I hope to get to Uprooted soon!
    The golden compass was one of my favorite books as a child! Such beautiful covers you have there ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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